Call for Papers

Submissions that engage in philosophical reflections on relevant aspect of technology are welcomed, including those from disciplines other than philosophy (e.g., STS, history, anthropology, and sociology). The Program Committee assumes, for example, the following themes for this conference including, but not limited to: 

  • Mental Health and Well-Being in the Digital Age
  • Technology and Human Identity
  • Regulation and Policy for Intimate Technologies
  • Human Nature, Agency, and Autonomy
  • Epistemology and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, and Robots
  • Technology, justice, and moral responsibility
  • Environment, Sustainability, and Risks
  • Democracy, Justice, and Solidarity
  • The Role of Engineers and Designers in Shaping Intimate Technology
  • Conceptual Disruption and Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies
  • Personal Data: Ownership and Control
  • Technological Citizenship
  • Intercultural Philosophy
  • Philosophy and Engineering Education
  • Virtue Ethics

Submissions from practitioners, including entrepreneurs, engineers, and engineering faculty, are also encouraged. The Program Committee will strive for quality, variety, and diversity within the program. Please submit your abstract before January 15, 2025. All submissions should be in English. Since we would like to enable as many people as possible to present their work, no one will be permitted to present more than one contribution at the SPT2025 conference, but it is allowed to be involved in further contributions in another role (such as co-author or discussant).

  • Proposals for posters: Next to classical keynotes, presentations in parallel sessinos and symposia, SPT2025 will organize dedicated and thematic poster sessions with expert panels. Whereas poster sessions are often seen as a negative or second choice opportunity, this session type will use poster presentations as a strong method to increase interaction. Posters will be clustered around a particular topic, An expert panel will capture the debates and will further discuss the topic linking posters they considered throught provoking. Poster proposals should consist of a 350-500 word abstract (excl. references), prepared for blind review. Aim at indicating the structure that will appear on your poster. Please indicate relevant topics and keywords in the Conftool submission form.
  • Proposals for papers: Contributed papers will be allocated 25 minutes (including time for discussion). Contributed papers will be clustered into parallel sessions focusing on particular themes. Proposals for contributed papers should consist of a 350-500 word abstract (excl. references), prepared for blind review. Please indicate keywords in the Conftool submission form.
  • Proposals for a full symposium: Symposia/panels will be allocated (at least) 90 minutes, including discussion. They can have any format. Symposium proposals can be submitted by the coordinating author, and should include the symposium title, a description of the symposium's rationale (up to 500 words, excl. references), the title, and abstract (350-500 words, excl. references) of each of the individual presentations that will constitute the session, prepared for blind review. Please indicate keywords in the Conftool submission form.
  • Proposals for Author-Meets-Critics sessions: We invite authors of (un) published articles to participate in the Authors-meet-Critics sessions. These sessions provide a platform for authors to receive feedback on their latest work by (a maximum of 6) prepared discussants. The proposals should include the (draft of the) paper, and should be submitted by December 16, 2024. On the website, these sessions will be announced on December 18, 2024. People who would like to be discussants for a paper should register for the paper discussion of their choice before January 15, 2025. 

Submission for the conference will be handled by the ConfTool website, which you can access here: The first time you enter the ConfTool website you will be asked to make an account, after which you can submit your contribution in the appropriate form

If you have any trouble in submitting your contributions through the Conftool website, please direct your questions to 


  • Abstract submission deadline (poster, paper or symposium): January 15, 2025
  • Draft-paper deadline for Author-Meets-Critics session: December 16th 2024
  • Expected notification of acceptance decision: February 15, 2025
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